Civic activity

In order to stop the spread of invasive alien species (IAS) in Finland and to prevent the arrival of new ones, the citizens are required to take an active role. For example, you can participate in weeding events organized in your area or organize your own. You can also help the effort by learning the basics of invasive alien species and spread alien species awareness by sharing your knowledge in your social media channels.

One particularly helpful way is to report your sightings of IAS, especially in cases where the IAS have spread to the natural environment. By reporting your findings, you help the researchers and authorities to survey and assess the best ways to focus resources to IAS management in the area. Reporting IAS is easy with the help of an online form designed specifically for smartphone use.

Invasive alien species do not respect any borders between properties, municipalities or countries – that is why stopping them requires extensive cooperative work between neighbouring citizens, communities and governments. To help facilitate that needed cooperation several IAS projects have been launched. One of those ambitious projects, Finvasive (VieKas) LIFE (2018–2023) is working to bring together the combined efforts of volunteer citizens, municipalities and local NGO’s to stop the spread of IAS.

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