Finvasive (VieKas) LIFE activities

Pink flowers of a giant balsam

Alien species have negative impact for Finnish nature

Invasive species are species that have moved from their native range to a new area with humans, either unintentionally or intentionally. Invasive alien species cause damage to nature, health and the economy, and the effects will increase as the climate is warming up.

Humans intentionally spread alien species that are useful to us, such as crops or animal species for consumption. We also unintentionally spread invasive alien species because we do not recognize them, their spreading habit or their harmful effects.

More information on the impacts caused by invasive alien species: Alien Species ABC

To stop the invasive alien species, we need everyone's effort

Finns need an active approach to halt the spread of invasive alien species and to prevent the entry of new alien species. It is important to take part in activities to control invasive species, such as weeding efforts in your own area. It is equally important to learn more about alien species and share tyour knowledge.

We want to know which alien species are in Finland, their quantities and where they are. The location of the invasive species is essential for the preparation of cost-effective control plans. Reporting foreign species sightings is easy with the project’s new smartphone reporting form.

Invasive alien species do not respect the borders of properties, municipalities or countries, and therefore, vast local and regional cooperation is required to stop them. Launched in 2019 and ended December 2023), the VieKas LIFE -project brings together volunteers, municipalities, NGOs and companies to stop the spread of harmful species.

A circle of hands and feet on green grass .

3 Good reasons to get involved in work against alien species:

  • It is an easy way to do practical work for nature conservation and climate.
  • Going outdoors and working together with others is good for the health of both body and mind.
  • It makes economic sense for households, municipalities and the state.

Loggo of the Viekas Life -project.

Come and join us!

  1. Start using the alien species reporting form.
  2. Do you organize events to fight against alien species? Start using the IAS control measures notification form (primarily for municipalities, IAS professionals and organisations).
  3. Do you have questions about alien species? Find answers to your questions on our discussion forum (in Finnish).
  4. Follow, like and share VieKas LIFE news and events on social media (in Finnish).

Finvasive LIFE is financially supported by the European Union in the framework of the European Commission’s LIFE Programme. 

Information and opinions expressed on this website do not reflect the official opinion of CINEA or the European Union. CINEA or the European Union are not responsible for any use of the information.